Recovering a Debt for a Landscaping Company

A local landscaping company had completed some extensive work for a client. The contract was being fulfilled through instalments as the work was being carried out, with the final balance of £2500 not having paid at the end of the job.

The debtor ignored numerous reminders and calls from our client for a considerable time, causing them to pass this case on to us.


The Landscaping company approached us to recover the debt. We initiated the pre-action protocol of legal action, and through a combination of careful emails and persistent phone calls, we successfully recovered our client’s funds in full, without the need to escalate to legal action.


Within six weeks, not only had we recovered our client’s missing payment, but also their fees, meaning that they were not out of pocket for using our services. Our client was paid without the need for legal action, saving their valuable time and money.

Get In Touch

If you are trying to track down payments from clients then get in touch with us today, by emailing or give us a call on 01603 319 034.