Case Studies

Recovering a Debt for a Plant Hire Company

Our client, a plant hire company, hired out their machinery to a construction company who did not pay them for three months. When the machines used by the debtor were no longer required, they stopped paying. The plant hire company were worried that the issue lay with the construction companies

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Recovering a Debt for a Landscaping Company

A local landscaping company had completed some extensive work for a client. The contract was being fulfilled through instalments as the work was being carried out, with the final balance of £2500 not having paid at the end of the job. The debtor ignored numerous reminders and calls from our

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Recovering Missing Payment After 5 Months

In this case study, a consumer owed money to a business for blinds and shutters fitted to her home. The debt had been outstanding for five months before it was handed over to a debt collection agency. The customer had disputed the debt, claiming that she had to call the

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Securing a Wedding Venue Refund for a Grieving Fiancée

Our client, a grieving fiancée, faced a difficult situation when her husband-to-be passed away, leaving her unable to get married. The county house wedding venue in Norfolk refused to refund her payment despite there being ten months left for them to resell the wedding day. The client was emotionally distressed

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